Milnerton Flea Market

Milnerton Flea Market MarchMar 05 2022 07:30 - 14:00 UTC126 Marine Drive, Paarden Eiland, South Africa

Outdoor Markets

No, it's not in Milnerton anymore. It was, at its inception, some 20 years ago. Today, Milnerton Flea Market is situated on Marine Drive (R27) opposite Metro Industrial Park, Paarden Eiland in Cape Town and a stone's throw away from Lagoon Beach, Milnerton.

Nowadays, the market occupies a tract of land equal to four football fields in size with a breathtaking backdrop of Table Mountain. The open-air trading area is tarmac surfaced, surrounded by fences and entrance gates leading directly from the adjacent parking lots.

The market is child and animal friendly.

After 8.00 AM no vehicular traffic or bike riding is allowed in the trading area. There are public resting benches as well as seating facilities at most of the food stalls. The walk-ways are broad and suitable for prams and wheelchairs. Public toilets which include a wheelchair friendly facility are continuously kept dean. For visitors' convenience, the extensive parking areas on the northern and southern sides of the market are constantly supervised by parking attendants. Trading and all other market related activities are monitored and supervised by designated market officials.

Entrance to the market and its parking faclities is free of charge.

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126 Marine Drive, Paarden Eiland, South Africa


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Location Details

126 Marine Dr, Paarden Eiland, Cape Town, 7405

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